About Me

“No one, but you, will ever care more about your health and no one can take charge of it, but you!” Lisa Ryan

Hi, it’s me, Lisa!

Did you ever consider that you never have to exercise; but instead that you get to choose to, every day! I hope you enjoy some great things here and have fun learning some of my exercise tips along with ways to eat better and take good care of your total health.

My life and experience:

As a 12-year old girl, I gained 45-pounds after breaking my leg. Yes, I did a cart wheel on my front lawn that the doctor thought I must have done from the roof of my house! My breaks, yes plural, ended up to be in three places. So, becoming a teenager, I spent my high-school years overweight and, for a girl, that was really rough. I had low self-esteem and I hid a lot of my pain from my friends. I tried to be a jock but I never made any of the school sports teams that I tried out for, hence the pain of not belonging. I instead, became a burnout just to have friends to hang out with. Thankfully, I quit smoking five years later! I always say, I only hope I quit soon enough. Then, by age 21, I had lost 45-pounds!

Later, I became a Certified Personal Trainer with, NASM. I have helped thousands of people over the past 20-years become healthier in one or more ways. My specialty is movement and mobility for clients with physical issues such as Parkinson’s disease and arthritis.

Another interesting fact about me, I was hired as a Personal Chef for a short time. I still love cooking and creating healthy dishes that don’t take all day.

Today, I am always learning new things about health and exercise.* One big thing that I have learned is that our needs change as we age! So, I try a lot of things to stay healthy and I am here to share those things with all of you!


Sept, 2022 – Brian Grant Foundation certified me in Parkinson’s Exercise and in Modifying Exercise for Parkinson’s.

August, 2022 – I received a certification from, The American Parkinson’s Disease Association (APDA) for fitness training basics and awareness relative to PD.

August, 2023 – After gaining some weight again, I finally lost 15 lbs by researching and following the “Starch Solution”, by: Dr. John McDougall.

Final note:

You should know however, that I am not perfect. I have fought hard to stay fit and my body doesn’t always end up looking so. I live a normal life anyway and I just take one day at a time! I strongly believe we need to live our lives daily with some planned, real joy. I am a real person, I am imperfect and since I do not know if I will even be here tomorrow, I plan to have some real joy today. Some days, that means I indulge in some of my favorite vices. BTW, (by the way) my current, favorite joy is caramel. Oh, and every year on my birthday I eat Bumpy Cake and Lemon Supreme Pie! If I didn’t live another day after that, I will have had some real joy on my birthday.

May God Bless our time, on LisaRyanHealthyFit, through my writing and your reading. Thank you!

Love and Peace


Read more about me under More Stories