What Is KT Tape And How Is It Used?

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Kinesiology tape is a therapeutic tape used for pain reduction and injury healing. You may have heard about this tape or you may have seen it if you watch sports like basketball, swimming, volleyball or soccer, to name a few.  To learn what kinesiology tape is all about, we went to our brand source, KT Tape.  The following description is from KTTape.com.

When an area of the body is injured through impact or over-use, the lymphatic fluid builds up causing inflammation and swelling. This accumulation of lymphatic fluids may cause increased pressure on muscles and tissue which can cause significant discomfort or pain*.

It is believed that when applied correctly, KT Tape lifts the skin, decompressing the layers of fascia, allowing for greater movement of lymphatic fluid which transports white blood cells throughout the body and removes waste products, cellular debris, and bacteria.


Determine the source of the pain

There is a taping application for almost every pain you might feel in your muscles, joints and ligaments.  You should first, seek the advice of a professional to determine the source of your  pain.  We do not diagnose anyone’s pain.  Your health professional may choose to apply tape while you are there.  If they don’t, that’s where we come in.

How LRHF (LisaRyanHealthyFit) helps you with tape


The first application with us is a teaching application. If you can reach the part needing to be taped, you will leave with clear instructions on how to apply KT Tape yourself.  Unfortunately, some applications simply cannot be self-applied.  For those hard to reach locations, we can apply the tape for you and we can teach someone you bring along with you.


We have a variety of tapes in stock as well as some other complementary treatment products.  You can choose whatever is best for your pain resolution.  You can purchase tape rolls or just pay for service, which includes the tape used in each application.

Who should not use tape?

There are a few instances where one should never use tape. This list is copied from Very Well Health.  The link to the complete article is also provided for your reference.

CAUTIONS: The following is a list of absolute contraindications to using kinesiology tape according to VeryWellHealth.com:

  • Severe allergic reactions to adhesive tape: Kinesiology tape adheres to your skin. If you have a history of a severe allergic reaction to adhesives, you should avoid using the tape. Typically kinesiology tape is worn during athletic activity, but it can also be worn for many days, and placing your skin in contact with adhesives for a long period of time can lead to serious allergic reactions.
  • Open wounds: If you have an open wound or surgical incision that is not fully healed, do not use kinesiology tape.
  • The tape could produce a situation where bacteria is introduced into the wound. 
  • Presence of deep vein thrombosis (DVT): A DVT is a blood clot in one of the deep veins of the arm or leg. Using kinesiology tape near the DVT can increase mobility and blood flow. This may cause the clot to become dislodged and may put you at risk for a pulmonary embolism, which may be fatal.
  • Infection: If there you are showing signs of infection, kinesiology tape should not be used, as this may cause worsening of your condition.
  • Diabetes: If you have uncontrolled diabetes, you may suffer from peripheral neuropathy, a condition where you may have altered sensation in your legs or arms. Kinesiology tape should not be used if you have diabetes, your sensation may be altered, and you may not know if the tape is causing a reaction or a problem with your skin.
  • Active cancer: If you are currently undergoing treatment for cancer, you should avoid using kinesiology tape since it is thought that the tape increase circulation, and increasing blood flow and nutrition to a cancerous lesion may be dangerous.

If you have any of these problems, you must avoid kinesiology tape. Consult your doctor for more information about your diagnosis and why kinesiology tape is not right for you.

For instructions on home self-care, use KT Tape videos.

There are many instructional videos that provide tutorials for you to learn from.  These are a great place to start.  Our fee-based services are available, if you need them.

Special offers

Special offers from KT Tape are the same offers available with LRHF.  Simply show the current offer and the current dates referenced to receive the same special.

Resources and References



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